Dr. Lydia Gunning
Centre for Applied Education Research - Programme Manager
Reading is one of the strongest predictors of academic success and later life opportunities. Whilst poor reading skills are a major barrier to learning at any age, this is especially true for children entering secondary school where they are required to read more complex texts to inform their learning.
It is likely that the pandemic will have disproportionately affected poor readers, given the prevalence of reading in online learning. The gap between struggling and more proficient readers may have widened during the UK’s successive lockdowns as a result.
Many schools already use standardised tests to assess reading comprehension. As a first step towards better identifying and supporting poor readers across the city, it is important to know what assessment information is already available to schools, and what schools currently do with that information (e.g., determine pupils’ reading age).
Our team are currently conducting a 3-minute survey of reading assessment practices across Bradford secondary schools. Questions ask about the methods schools use to assess pupils’ reading ability, how decisions are made of who is assessed, the frequency of assessment, and how the output of the measures are used.
Collect data and evidence
Implement in schools
Co-design and test in ~ 10 schools
Refine and test across ~ 100 schools
Test in contexts and delivery conditions ~ 500 schools
Develop national policy with Whitehall partners
Centre for Applied Education Research - Programme Manager
University of Leeds - Professor of Linguistics
University of Leeds - Associate Professor