Prof. Brendan Barrett
University of Bradford - Professor of Visual Development
CAER used Born in Bradford data and found that poor eyesight could be contributing to the attainment gap in deprived areas. In the UK, it is recommended that all children receive vision screening in their Reception year. The results are shared with families, but schools are informed which children have failed their vision screening. Unfortunately, many parents of children who fail screening do not follow the recommendation for their child to get and wear glasses that are needed and it is estimated that >2,500 children in Bradford schools are not wearing the glasses they need.
Glasses in Classes (GiC) was funded by the Education Endowment Foundation and consisted of a randomised control trial involving 100 primary schools across Bradford in 2019-2021. Children who needed glasses in the 50 schools within the intervention group were given two pairs of glasses, the child’s own pair to be worn as normal and a second pair which were kept within the school. This school pair were issued to the child if the first pair were lost/broken or if a child came to school not wearing glasses. The effect of glasses wearing on visual acuity and developing literacy is being evaluated and is due for publication in 2022. The GIC intervention now being expanded to 5 other areas (Derby, Doncaster, Durham, Norfolk and Breckland and North Yorkshire Coast). The latest version is being funded by the Department for Education. The proect is being led by the University of Bradford (delivery team) and by the University of Durham (evaluation team).
CAER found that schools were well positioned to support children to obtain and wear their glasses. Increasing the compliance with glasses wear has the potential to impact positively on educational attainment.
Collect data and evidence
Implement in schools
Co-design and test in ~ 10 schools
Refine and test across ~ 100 schools
Test in contexts and delivery conditions ~ 500 schools
Develop national policy with Whitehall partners
University of Bradford - Professor of Visual Development
University of Bradford - Assistant Professor, School of Optometry and Vision Science
University of Durham - Professor in the School of Education
University of Durham - Professor in the School of Education
Department for Education - Project Manager and Policy Lead – Glasses in Classes
University of Durham - Project Manager - Glasses in Classes
Trial providing free glasses to improve literacy expanded to thousands more pupils.
The following article discusses what you need to know about the programme and what it means for your child.
The Glasses in Classes scheme, which funds two free pairs of spectacles for children, will be rolled out to five disadvantaged areas of the country.