Stage of Research: Implement Team Members: 1
Oral Health

Oral Health Lessons and Text Messaging (BRIGHT)

Approximately one half of 12-15 year old children living in deprived areas of the UK had dental decay. Very few oral health promotion programmes are aimed at teenage children.

BRIGHT is a randomised controlled trial evaluating the impact of an oral health lesson delivered by teachers to secondary school children with a twice daily text message.

The trial is still collecting final follow-up data. Findings will inform Department for Education statutory guidance on relationships education, relationships and sex education and health education.

Project Image for Oral Health Lessons and Text Messaging (BRIGHT)

Fundamental Research

Core Science

Fundamental Research

Discovery and Design


Trials and Assessment


Large Randomised Controlled Trial

Refine and test across ~ 100 schools


Regional Rollout


Evidence-based Policy

Our team members

Avatar Image for Peter Day

Dr. Peter Day

University of Leeds - Professor and Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry

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