01/07/2021 Education Psychology
DOI: 10.1016/J.TATE.2021.103343 SemanticScholar ID: 234823470 MAG: 3153134245

Exploring the understanding and experience of working memory in teaching professionals: A large-sample questionnaire study

Publication Summary

Abstract Working memory (WM) underpins learning and is strongly associated with academic achievement. Children with poor WM need support in the classroom, but little is known about teachers’ understanding of WM. An online questionnaire (N = 1425) assessed educational professionals’ understanding of key concepts related to WM. Respondents generally showed some understanding, although most overestimated WM duration. There was also considerable variability in the signs identified as being associated with poor WM and possible strategies to assist such children. This demonstrates the need to provide teacher training about WM, and for collaboration between researchers and teachers in developing support materials.

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Amy Atkinson

Dr. Amy Atkinson

Lancaster University - Lecturer in Developmental Psychology

Avatar Image for Richard Allen

Dr. Richard Allen

University of Leeds - Associate Professor

Avatar Image for Amanda Waterman

Prof. Amanda Waterman

University of Leeds - Professor of Cognitive Development

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