Publication Summary
The Born in Bradford (BiB) cohort of 13,776 children born between 2007-2011 and their parents provides a rich data resource for researchers exploring protective and risk factors influencing long-term developmental and health outcomes. Educational attainment is a critical factor related to later health. Literacy and communication, fine motor skills and social and emotional health are key ‘early’ predictors of educational attainment and can be used to identify children in need of additional support. We describe our BiB ‘Starting School’ data collection protocol which assessed literacy and communication, fine motor skills and social and emotional health on 3,444 BiB children aged 4-5 years old. These measures supplement the existing dataset, and complement the routine educational, health and social care data available for the cohort.
CAER Authors
Dr. Katy Shire
Bradford Institute for Health Research - Programme Manager - Age of Wonder
Dr. Sally Barber
Bradford Institute for Health Research - Lead for Physical Activity Research
Dr. Liam Hill
University of Leeds - Lecturer in Developmental Psychology
Prof. Mark Mon-Williams
University of Leeds - Chair in Cognitive Psychology
Prof. Amanda Waterman
University of Leeds - Professor of Cognitive Development
Prof. John Wright
Bradford Institute for Health Research - Chief Investigator Born in Bradford