01/06/2013 Medicine Psychology
DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2012.07.011 SemanticScholar ID: 18502136 MAG: 2086926907

Recollection in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Publication Summary

Abstract Introduction Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder primarily affecting social interaction and communication. Recently, there has been interest in whether people with ASD also show memory deficits as a result of abnormal brain development. However, at least in adolescents with ASD, the recollection component of episodic memory has rarely been explored. This paper is an evaluation of recollection in three different experiments in adolescents with ASD, using both objective (source discrimination) and subjective methods (Remember–Know judgments). Methods Three experiments were designed to measure different aspects of contextual information: sensory/perceptual information (Experiment 1), temporal information (Experiment 2) and spatial information (Experiment 3). To measure objective and subjective recollection, for all three experiments, all participants were presented with information to learn in a specific context. At the recognition stage, they were asked whether they remembered the information or just knew the information was there (R/K response, subjective method). To assess the quality of these subjective judgments, participants justified their Remember responses using the contextual information. After the recognition task, to assess source memory (objective measure), all items presented at encoding were represented and participants have to recall the source for all these items. Results All three experiments showed that adolescents with ASD could correctly recall source information. However, in the first experiment adolescents with ASD gave significantly fewer Remember responses than controls. Conclusions These findings point to a specific and subtle recollection impairment in adolescents with ASD, at least when subjective methods are used. We discuss how these might relate to differences in the self and to the brain abnormalities in ASD.

CAER Authors

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Dr. Paula Clarke

University of Leeds - Associate Professor in Psychological Approaches to Childhood and Inclusive Education

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