Lisa Stead
Bradford District Care Trust - Clinical Lead Mental Health Support Team
The issues for young people in Bradford were identified in a number of reports, along with social deprivation Mental health and wellbeing was highlighted as a concern. Working within the scope of the Green Paper “transforming Childrens mental health services2 we were able to develop school based support. The support was developed and designed using data from Born in Bradford and CAER to ensure we were targeting the schools and children in most need alongside researching what approaches are the most effective. In March 2020 we were given funding from DofE and NHSE to develop 2 teams and due to the initial success a further funding for two more teams were given to the Bradford District and a personal visit from the Chief Executive of NHS England Amanda Pritchard to showcase our exceptional standard of work
The work over the 22 months and during school lockdowns continued to develop and take shape. The teams are working with 49 school/ education settings from primary up the collages across the district, completing coproduced with staff , parents and young people actions plans on the specific areas of focus for their school and community. These individual school plans have enabled the team to deliver mental health messages, education and interventions to 800 staff/parents/young people
The work over the last 22 months have enables the team to provide 1244 1:1 evidenced based interventions to young people and/or their parents/care givers virtually or face to face.
Moving forward Bradford have been allocated a further 3 teams to enable the district to offer this additional support to 52% of the child population by 2025 but this is not enough and we need the district to support and work together to enable 100% of the children and young people in Bradford to have access to this support.
Collect data and evidence
Implement in schools
Co-design and test in ~ 10 schools
Refine and test across ~ 100 schools
Test in contexts and delivery conditions ~ 500 schools
Develop national policy with Whitehall partners
Bradford District Care Trust - Clinical Lead Mental Health Support Team
Mind in Bradford - Service Director
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See who is involved in the mental health support team in your local area!