22/09/1996 Psychology Sociology
DOI: 10.1177/001440299606300109 SemanticScholar ID: 143417412 MAG: 1909790437

Creating Conversation: Reflections on Cultural Sensitivity in Family Interviewing

Publication Summary

This study examines culturally sensitive practices in family interviewing and developing individualized education programs. Participants were 14 professionals in the field of special education, who provided their perceptions and reflections on their experiences as members of cultural minority groups in the United States. The article reviews literature relevant to cultural sensitivity and family interviewing, describes the method and findings of the study, and discusses culturally sensitive practices in family interviewing, while avoiding stereotypes and generalizations. Recommendations for professionals include increasing their own knowledge base about other cultures; examining their own cultural biases; providing a family focus; allowing sufficient time for comfortable interviews; and considering time, place, and language needs.

CAER Authors

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Dr. Ruth Dennis

City Of Bradford Metropolitan District Council - Principal Educational Psychologist

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