Publication Summary
The basic radiation of sound from forced axisymmetric jets is calculated by a hybrid approach, whereby the hydrodynamic field is calculated by an incompressible stream function-vorticity direct numerical simulation (DNS) and the sound field is calculated by Lighthill and Mohring-Kambe formulations. It is shown that because of the oscillatory behaviour of the source as a wave packet the acoustic results are more sensitive to numerical constraints as the DNS box size than the hydrodynamic results. Lighthill formulation shows a strong sensitivity to the radial boundary condition imposed on the velocity in the DNS. A zero second order radial derivative for the stream function behaves the best and a zero radial velocity condition behaves the worst. Mohring-Kambe formulation shows a strong dependence on the arbitrary location of the co-ordinate origin. A boundary correction developed to eliminate this dependence is shown to work well by achieving a good agreement between the two formulations in the dominant features of the sound radiation. The effects of the inflow momentum thickness and Reynolds number are investigated with reference to the directivity and frequency spectra of the emitted sound.
CAER Authors

Dr. Eldad Avital
Queen Mary University of London - Reader in Computational (& Experimental) Fluids and Acoustics