17/06/2016 Biology
DOI: 10.1101/059436 SemanticScholar ID: 89129663 MAG: 2427603609

A direct multi-generational estimate of the human mutation rate from autozygous segments seen in thousands of parentally related individuals

Publication Summary

Heterozygous mutations within homozygous sequences descended from a recent common ancestor offer a way to ascertain de novo mutations (DNMs) across multiple generations. Using exome sequences from 3,222 British-Pakistani individuals with high parental relatedness, we estimate a mutation rate of 1. 45 ± 0.05 × 10−8 per base pair per generation in autosomal coding sequence, with a corresponding noncrossover gene conversion rate of 8.75 ± 0.05 × 10−6 per base pair per generation. This is at the lower end of exome mutation rates previously estimated in parent-offspring trios, suggesting that post-zygotic mutations contribute little to the human germline mutation rate. We found frequent recurrence of mutations at polymorphic CpG sites, and an increase in C to T mutations in a 5’ CCG 3’ → 5’ CTG 3’ context in the Pakistani population compared to Europeans, suggesting that mutational processes have evolved rapidly between human populations.

CAER Authors

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Prof. John Wright

Bradford Institute for Health Research - Chief Investigator Born in Bradford

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