2015 Computer Science Psychology
SemanticScholar ID: 63860849 MAG: 2488485611

Vocabulary proé les of children with specié c language impairment

Publication Summary

Abstract This study investigates vocabulary development overone year for three youngchildren with speci”c language impairment (SLI). Rate of vocabulary devel-opment and use of nouns and verbs relative to total vocabulary is comparedwith a larger sample of younger, typically developing children. Communica-tive Development Inventory (CDI) data were collected and results provided atypically developing trajectory against which the children with SLI could becompared. The two groups show similar growth curves at these early stages.Findings are discussed with reference to previous work on vocabularydevelopment and methodological differences between parental report andnaturalistic data collection. Introduction Children with Speci”c Language Impairment (SLI) demonstrate signi”cantlanguage dif”culties in absence of other factors that often accompanylanguage problems, for example hearing impairment, neurological damage,autistic tendencies, low non-verbal IQ, oral structure or motor abnormalities.Children areusually initially identi”ed byadelay in theonsetof”rstwordsandmulti-word combinations that is not explained by any of the aforementioned

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Ludovica Serratrice

Prof. Ludovica Serratrice

Reading University - Professor of multilingualism

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