29/08/2016 Art Sociology
DOI: 10.7146/ocps.v17i1.24209 SemanticScholar ID: 151981685 MAG: 2530701893

Vygotsky, Neoliberalism and Post-structuralism: A Response to Jacob Klitmøller and Two Further Reviews of my Book “Neoliberalism, Pedagogy and Human Development” (Routledge, hardcover 2012, paperback 2014)

Publication Summary

The paperback edition of “Neoliberalism, Pedagogy and Human Development”, which was published in 2014, almost coincided with the publication of two book reviews; one kindly written by Fabienne Gfeller (2014, in French for Cahiers de psychologie et éducation) and one by Jacob Klitmøller (2014, in Outlines: Critical Practice Studies). A third review of “Neoliberalism, Pedagogy and Human Development” has recently been published with Power and Education (by Matthew Connolly, 2015). As a first response to the discussion, which the book provoked, I try to briefly explore below a central question: Is linking post-structuralist thinking and Vygotskian scholarship meaningful?

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Avatar Image for Michalis Kontopodis

Prof. Michalis Kontopodis

University of Leeds - Chair in Global Childhood and Youth Studies

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