2007 Chemistry Physics
SemanticScholar ID: 56241946 MAG: 1599663382

Modelling the air cleaning performance of negative air ionisers in ventilated rooms

Publication Summary

Negative air ionisers have seen increasing use as devices for improving indoor air quality, including some success in clinical environments for reducing the transmission of infection. This study uses a ventilation model and a CFD model to examine the physical effects of negative ionisers in indoor environments. The results demonstrate how the negative ion distribution and electric field due to an ioniser are influenced by both the room airflow and the ion generation rate. It is shown that ion concentrations greater than 1010 ions/m3 are necessary for the electrical effects to be significant. The effect on particles is also considered, with the results demonstrating that the ioniser will only increase the deposition of particles when the particle concentration is high enough to contribute to the space charge in the room.

CAER Authors

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Prof. Catherine Noakes

University of Leeds - Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings

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