Publication Summary
This study provides descriptive data regarding the prevalence of seven professional practices believed to interfere with the integrated delivery of related services for students with handicapping conditions in public schools. Based on questionnaire responses from 585 educators, parents, and related service personnel (e.g., speech/language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists) from across the United States, these data highlight foundational issues that have an impact on the integrated delivery of related services that are necessary for some students to benefit from special education. Professional practices are presented that are believed to facilitate the integrated delivery of related services, as well as those believed to interfere with it. Results of the study document the prevalence of the interfering practices as reported by study participants, and also the extent to which parents and general education teachers report a lack of critical information about the provision of related services. Implications are discussed that pertain to personnel preparation, supervision of staff, advocacy, and collaborative teamwork.
CAER Authors

Dr. Ruth Dennis
City Of Bradford Metropolitan District Council - Principal Educational Psychologist