01/05/2012 Psychology
DOI: 10.1068/id229 SemanticScholar ID: 151563097 MAG: 2577304272

Perception and Action in Older Adults: Evidence of Reduced Motor Asymmetry

Publication Summary

Handedness, the preference towards using the right or left hand, is established in early childhood. Such specialisation allows a higher level of motor skill to be maintained in the preferred hand through continuous practice and performance. We might expect that hand asymmetries increase as we age because of the length of time practising with the preferred hand but recent research has suggested reduced asymmetries in older adults performing reaches (Przybla et al 2011, Neurosci Lett, 99–104). To examine whether older adults exhibit asymmetries in a fine visual-motor task, we measured tracing performance along paths of different thickness in a group of young and old participants. Participants completed the task with their preferred (right) and non-preferred (left) hand. We used Movement Time (MT) and Shape Accuracy (SA) as dependant variables. A composite measure of MT and SA, the Speed Accuracy Cost Function (SACF) provided an overall measure of performance efficiency. Younger participants were faster and ...

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Prof. Mark Mon-Williams

University of Leeds - Chair in Cognitive Psychology

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