01/05/2014 Medicine
DOI: 10.1249/01.MSS.0000495256.74315.CB SemanticScholar ID: 80138989 MAG: 2743293178

Reducing CVD Risk Factors for Men/Hard-to-Reach Men Using English Premier League Soccer Clubs: 2250 Board #5 May 30, 9

Publication Summary

Over two thirds of men in England UK, have two or more risk factors for cardio-vascular disease (CVD). When combined with comparatively low levels of engagement with primary health care (PC), innovative approaches and alternative strategies/places are required to connect these hard-to-reach (HTR) men with health improvement programmes. PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of Premier League Health (PLH), a national programme of CVD risk factor reduction/prevention for men/HTR men delivered in/by English Premier League (EPL) soccer clubs. METHODS: Health interventions were delivered to males with heightened risk of CVD and not using PC services. Interventions were underpinned by physical activity (PA) (e.g. soccer/gym/walking) and delivered alongside lifestyle educational sessions (e.g. smoking/diet) led by professional health trainers employed by the clubs. Sessions took place at 16 EPL soccer clubs. Validated self-reported data for demographics and CVD risk factors were collected at pre-intervention and 12-week follow-up. RESULTS: Predominantly, White British men (70.4%, n=2669/3788), aged 18-44 years (80.2%, n=3032/3779) in employment (60.7%, n=1907/3143) responded. Over 85%, (n=1428/1667) presented with ≥2 simultaneous risk-factors for CVD. The majority of men (80%, n=1984/2481), did not perceive their health to be ‘at risk’. A third, (n=860/2580) ‘never’ used PC and were more likely to report 3-4 CVD risk factors when compared to those who did use PC χ2 [1]= 4.17, p<.05). Table 1 shows level of change in CVD risk factors at pre vs. post-intervention. Variable N Pre (SD) Post (SD) df t r Physical Activity (Sessions/Week) 2917 2.34 (1.52) 2.49 (1.53) 2916 -13.75** 0.26 Diet: Fruit and vegetables (Daily portions) 2673 2.34 (1.38) 2.44 (1.38) 2672 -8.39** 0.16 Sitting (Hours/Day) 2223 5.63 (2.70) 5.26 (2.67) 2222 13.09** 0.27 BMI (kg/m2) 2074 26.72 (5.50) 26.43 (5.39) 2073 10.05** 0.21 Alcohol (Units/Week) 1727 16.35 (18.67) 15.68 (18.23) 1726 7.84** 0.18 Note: **p=<0.001, df= degrees of freedom, t= t-statistic, r= effect size. CONCLUSION: PLH engaged HTR men not using PC services and showed positive change in CVD profiles for participating males.

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Andy Daly-Smith

Prof. Andy Daly-Smith

University of Bradford - Reader

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