20/12/2019 Medicine
DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdy181 SemanticScholar ID: 53044776 MAG: 2898017972

activPAL-measured sitting levels and patterns in 9-10 years old children from a UK city.

Publication Summary

Background There is insufficient evidence of sitting time in UK children from validated objective measures. This study explored sitting patterns in primary school children from Bradford, UK, using the validated activPAL inclinometer. Methods Overall, 79 children (9.8 (SD 0.3) years old, 52% boys; 70% South Asian) wore activPALs for 7 days. Total sitting time, sitting time accumulated in different bout lengths, and the proportion of wear time spent in these variables were explored and compared across different periods of the week. Results Children spent 614 ± 112 (median ± IQR) min/day on school days and 690 ± 150 min/day on weekend days sitting. The proportion of time spent sitting was significantly higher on weekend days compared to school days (mean±SD: 74 ± 10% versus 68 ± 8%,P < 0.001), as was the proportion of time accumulated in >30 min sitting bouts (mean±CI: 28 ± 27-33% versus 20 ± 20-22%, P < 0.001). The proportion of time spent sitting after school was significantly higher than during school time (mean±SD: 70 ± 8.4% versus 63 ± 8.3%,P < 0.001), as was the proportion of time spent in prolonged (>30 min) sitting bouts (mean±CI: 19 ± 16-22% versus 11 ± 10-14%, P < 0.001). Conclusions Children spent large proportions of their waking day sitting, often accumulated in prolonged uninterrupted bouts and particularly after school and on weekends. Interventions to reduce sitting time in children are urgently needed.

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Sally Barber

Dr. Sally Barber

Bradford Institute for Health Research - Lead for Physical Activity Research

Avatar Image for Daniel Bingham

Dr. Daniel Bingham

Bradford Institute for Health Research - Senior Research Fellow

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