16/01/2004 Psychology
DOI: 10.1515/IRAL.2004.005 SemanticScholar ID: 144550245 MAG: 2051666832

A Fresh Look at How Young Children Encode New Referents.

Publication Summary

This paper examines the evidence used to support the claim that children initially do not encode new referents like adults do (e.g., Maratsos 1974; Warden 1976; Emslie and Stevenson 1981; Hickmann et al. 1996). It argues that a better understanding of the information structure of the target language forces a reinterpretation of previous experimental results in the sense that children comply with the adult requirements more than has been assumed. The discussion is based on a detailed examination of how new information is encoded in spoken French.

CAER Authors

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Prof. Cécile De Cat

University of Leeds - Professor of Linguistics

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