01/01/2016 Education Sociology
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-04218-9_12 SemanticScholar ID: 157324484 MAG: 2514105709

How should an ideal innovation process take place

Publication Summary

Several international studies (Lasky 2005; Miedema/Stam 2008; Kontopodis 2012) show that school organization and innovation processes are complex for various reasons. According to Fullan (2001), a well-known author on educational reform and innovation in the United States, change during an educational reform is both a personal and a collective experience and cannot be separated from the social context as it occurs in practice. Fullan states that the heart of change is that individuals develop new meanings in relation to innovative ideas in the context of “a gigantic, loosely organized, complex, messy social system that contains myriad different subjective worlds” (Fullan 2001, p. 92).

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Avatar Image for Michalis Kontopodis

Prof. Michalis Kontopodis

University of Leeds - Chair in Global Childhood and Youth Studies

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