01/11/2014 Medicine
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.954 SemanticScholar ID: 8552764 MAG: 2042327276

Interdisciplinary management of severe intrusion injuries in permanent incisors: a case series

Publication Summary

Intrusion injuries to the permanent dentition are amoung the most severe types of dental injuries, occurring in 0.3-1.9% of all dental trauma cases. The current clinical guidelines in the management of intrusion injuries are based on level B evidence due to the infrequent nature of this type of injury, coupled with a lack of high quality evidence-based studies. This paper presents four cases of severe intrusion injuries that were successfully managed using an interdisciplinary approach. The cases described here highlight the benefits of orthodontic repositioning of severely intruded teeth in the short and medium terms. Although orthodontic repositioning was unsuccessful in the final case, this did not preclude subsequent surgical repositioning. Interdisciplinary collaboration allowed two of the cases described to be effectively managed with premolar autotransplantation alongside orthodontic treatment. The cases demonstrated here indicate the difficulties in providing the current recommended treatment modalities at non-specialist clinics. They accentuate the importance of an immediate referral of such complex cases to a specialist centre where interdisciplinary management is readily available.

CAER Authors

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Dr. Peter Day

University of Leeds - Professor and Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry

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