Publication Summary
Abstract Low speed circular, elliptic and planar jets are investigated computationally for basic sound generation and hydrodynamics. The jets are assumed to be incompressible and are simulated using the large eddy simulation (LES) approach. The emitted sound is calculated using Lighthill’s acoustic analogy. Two formulations are used, Lighthill’s stress tensor formulation and Powell’s vortex sound formulation. A new boundary correction for Powell’s formulation is developed in order to account for the finite size of the computational domain. Low to moderate Reynolds number jets are simulated. Good agreement with known hydrodynamic results is achieved. This includes the nature of the transition process, e.g. enhanced mixing and axis switching in the elliptic jet and in some statistical results. The new boundary correction for Powell’s formulation proves to be vital in order to achieve good agreement with Lighthill’s formulation. Some success in high frequency prediction at least for the circular and elliptic jets is achieved in terms of getting the expected asymptotic behaviour. Both formulations show that the elliptic jet noise level is mildly lower than the circular jet noise level. Good to very good agreement is achieved in terms of directivities and frequency spectra with known results for the various jets.
CAER Authors

Dr. Eldad Avital
Queen Mary University of London - Reader in Computational (& Experimental) Fluids and Acoustics