20/05/2012 Computer Science Medicine Psychology
DOI: 10.1002/sim.4391 SemanticScholar ID: 12914430 MAG: 1981032988

Estimating the number of true discoveries in genome‐wide association studies

Publication Summary

Recent genome‐wide association studies have reported the discoveries of genetic variants of small to moderate effects. However, most studies of complex diseases face a great challenge because the number of significant variants is less than what is required to explain the disease heritability. A new approach is needed to recognize all potential discoveries in the data. In this paper, we present a practical model‐free procedure to estimate the number of true discoveries as a function of the number of top‐ranking SNPs together with the confidence bounds. This approach allows a practical methodology of general utility and produces relevant statistical quantities with simple interpretation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Dr. Arief Gusnanto

University of Leeds

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