01/02/2014 Computer Science
DOI: 10.1016/J.CAMWA.2013.10.002 SemanticScholar ID: 16926955 MAG: 2017752046

Optimized implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method on a graphics processing unit towards real-time fluid simulation

Publication Summary

Real-time fluid simulation is an active field of research in computer graphics, but they usually focus on visual impact rather than physical accuracy. However, by combining a lattice Boltzmann model with the parallel computing power of a graphics processing unit, both real-time compute capability and satisfactory physical accuracy are now achievable. The implementation of an optimized 3D real-time thermal and turbulent fluid flow solver with a performance of half a billion lattice node updates per second is described in detail. The effects of the hardware error checking code and the competition between appropriate boundary conditions and performance capabilities are discussed.

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Catherine Noakes

Prof. Catherine Noakes

University of Leeds - Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings

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