2013 Political Science Psychology
SemanticScholar ID: 150404588 MAG: 182388016

Do parental involvement interventions increase attainment? A review of the evidence.

Publication Summary

This briefing paper summarises a review of the evidence linking interventions to improve parental engagement in their children’s education with improved attainment. The review illustrates that there is not yet enough evidence that any intervention will work, and also that a far higher standard of basic evaluation is required, and should be expected by those who commission and fund research. Full findings are presented in the report: What do rigorous evaluations tell us about the most promising parental involvement interventions? A critical review of what works for disadvantaged children in different age groups. The report is available to download from www.nuffieldfoundation.org/parental-involvement

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Stephen Gorard

Prof. Stephen Gorard

University of Durham - Professor in the School of Education

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