01/01/2010 Education Psychology
DOI: 10.1057/9780230277335_6 SemanticScholar ID: 156182712 MAG: 2486410337

Listening to Pupils in Different Countries

Publication Summary

Equity may be difficult to define. But, if our argument so far in this book is accepted, we may conclude that that it represents that sense of fairness which underlies our decisions about the key principles of justice, and how they may apply in different domains for a given set of actors. Equity is an important ideal for education, in terms of school as a lived experience as well as its longer-term outcomes for citizens and society. In specific situations there may be considerable agreement, among pupils, about what is fair and what is unfair. Indeed, pupils appear to have quite clear views on what is fair, and are often willing and able to express those views.

CAER Authors

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Prof. Stephen Gorard

University of Durham - Professor in the School of Education

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