Publication Summary
We described some of the characteristics of our large sample of international pupils — 14,000 young people from six countries — in Chapter 6. Here we summarise their views on justice both at school and in the wider world, and some of the experiences that might have helped shape those views, on a country by country basis. The ideas and motivations behind some of the responses presented here are complex to unravel, as they may be linked to the cultures and expectations of the different countries in which the young people live. Therefore, one aim of this chapter is to summarise the main themes which emerge and to consider the extent to which young people’s experiences of equity are similar, and also different, in each of the national contexts which we explore. Ensuing chapters look at the experiences of different groups across all countries, and also put this all together in a multivariate analysis. In all of these chapters we present the questionnaire results, usually in tables, supplemented with a selection of open-ended and face-to-face comments provided by young people (and recorded in England and Japan).
CAER Authors

Prof. Stephen Gorard
University of Durham - Professor in the School of Education