01/02/1998 Education Political Science
DOI: 10.1108/09513549810195857 SemanticScholar ID: 28851937 MAG: 2025818635

Whither Market Forces in Education

Publication Summary

College climate has been defined as the collective personality of a college. The University of Cyprus, being a new institution, wanted to find out the kind of climate which exists four years after it was established. The personal assessment of the university climate survey was used. The purpose of the survey was to obtain the perceptions of employees concerning the university climate and examine this climate in conjunction with Likert’s systems theory of management. The following areas were found in most need of improvement: wider dissemination of information across the institution; more effective interaction of the leadership with personnel; more use of group problem‐solving methods across and within departments and administrative services; and more need for feedback on their work from both faculty and administrative staff.

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Stephen Gorard

Prof. Stephen Gorard

University of Durham - Professor in the School of Education

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