01/06/2016 Medicine
DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2015-308936a SemanticScholar ID: 21882435 MAG: 2305414166

Answers to Epilogue questions

Publication Summary

1. The chest radiograph shows volume loss in both lower lobes and right upper lobe. The right middle lobe is overinflated. There is mediastinal shift to the left. These findings were present on earlier radiographs, but their persistence was particularly significant. 2. In view of the continuing oxygen requirement and the persistent changes on chest radiographs, a chest CT scan should be organised to evaluate further. In this baby’s case, congenital lobar overinflation (previously known as congenital lobar emphysema) of the right middle lobe was demonstrated (figure 2). 3. The baby should be referred to the surgical team for evaluation. In mild cases, conservative management …

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Dr. Katherine Pettinger

University of York - Research Associate

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