25/03/1996 Business Engineering
DOI: 10.1049/IC:19960452 SemanticScholar ID: 111296282 MAG: 2066477785

Design issues in virtual environment displays: a formal appraisal from the perspective of human perception

Publication Summary

A pragmatic approach is required in the design of virtual environment displays. Successful design relies on technological development, but design must also consider the physiology and perception of the human user. When creating a virtual environment display, designers must therefore determine the exact VE task requirements. A human-centred approach must then be adopted to ensure that the display meets known human factor constraints, whilst a task-specific approach must formally appraise the perceptual and physiological demands required by the environment in order to maximise system performance whilst minimising problems to the human user. (4 pages)

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Mark Mon-Williams

Prof. Mark Mon-Williams

University of Leeds - Chair in Cognitive Psychology

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