01/10/2001 Economics Education Political Science
DOI: 10.3102/0013189X030007018 SemanticScholar ID: 145423354 MAG: 2129654261

School Choice Impacts: What Do We Know?

Publication Summary

We present here a summary of the findings of what so far is the largest study of school choice in publicly funded schools, and the first analysis of changes over time in the characteristics and performance of students in an entire national school system (that of England and Wales). Our finding, in contradiction to some smaller studies reported previously, is that the socio-economic stratification of school students declined after the introduction of choice policies. We also show that standards in publicly funded schools rose relative to those of private schools over the same period. The extent to which these changes can be attributed to the impact of market forces in education is the subject of our discussion.

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Stephen Gorard

Prof. Stephen Gorard

University of Durham - Professor in the School of Education

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