Publication Summary
This case study focused on the Social Marketing Program in Cameroon by Population Services International (PSI). The aim was to examine the stages of development of the social marketing program program performance condom distribution meritorious strategies program gaps lessons learned and needs for future improvement. The report examined the structure and changes in Cameroons public health sector the history of HIV/AIDS in Africa the epidemiology in Cameroon current AIDS and sexually transmitted disease (STD) knowledge and preventive practices the history of the PSI program in Cameroon and comparisons with other African programs family planning activities in Cameroon and other nongovernmental organization activity to prevent AIDS in Cameroon. Cameroon identified the first AIDS case in 1985. 9600 AIDS cases have been reported during 1985-97. An estimated 5.5% of Cameroons 14 million people are HIV-positive. Actual prevalence may be twice that at 700000 persons. Transmission has shifted to heterosexual spread. PSI began its marketing program in 1991. The government has not provided sufficient resources to address HIV/AIDS. USAID program funding to the government during 1987-96 focused on commercial sex workers students and the armed services. STDs are widespread especially syphilis among pregnant women. Blood donations may be contaminated. PSI has been successful. PSI achieved a 0.75 per capita rate of condom sales. PSI has encountered obstacles to increased pill use and distribution through pharmacies. This case study identified 12 lessons learned.
CAER Authors

Dr. Ruth Dennis
City Of Bradford Metropolitan District Council - Principal Educational Psychologist