04/01/2016 Engineering Materials Science Physics
DOI: 10.2514/6.2016-0324 SemanticScholar ID: 123665304 MAG: 2321907191

Flow Seperation and Passive Flow Control on E387 Airfoil

Publication Summary

The behavior of a MVG vane at three different design angles was simulated with LES on an Eppler e387 airfoil that was suffering flow separation. The e387 airfoil was placed at an angle of attack of 12 degrees and at Reynolds number of 200,000 based on the chord length. Different parameters of the generated vortex from the MVG were analyzed to study the behavior of the vortex. The MVG vanes were found to suppress the separation, with the MVG vane placed at 18.5 being the most effective. It was found that turbulence has a strong effect on the instantaneous behavior of the flow field and the easiest measurable characteristic of the MVG’s effect on the flow separation was its effect on the wall shear stress. Recommendations for the optimum placement of the MVG and its zone of influence are discussed.

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Eldad Avital

Dr. Eldad Avital

Queen Mary University of London - Reader in Computational (& Experimental) Fluids and Acoustics

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