22/02/2019 Environmental Science
DOI: 10.1017/s0142716419000043 SemanticScholar ID: 231734656

APS volume 40 issue 2 Cover and Back matter

Publication Summary

EDITORIAL BOARD Alison Bailey, U. California; Shari Baum, McGill U.; Ellen Bialystok, York U.; Kate Cain, Lancaster U.; Walcir Cardoso, Concordia U.; Claudia Cardoso-Martin, U. Federal de Minas Gerais; Helene Deacon, Dalhousie U.; Katherine Demuth, Macquarie U.; Cheryl Frenck-Mestre, Aix-Marseille U.; Naama Friedmann, Tel Aviv U.; Theres Grüter, U. Hawai‘i at Mãnoa; Kristina Hansson, Lund U.; Belma Haznedar, Bogaziçi U.; Alan Juffs, U. Pittsburgh; Tamar Katzir, U. Haifa; Keiko Koda, Carnegie Mellon U.; Nonie Lesaux, Harvard U.; Theo Marinis, U. Reading; Sven Mattys, U. York; Catherine McBride, Chinese U. Hong Kong; Jill Morford, U. New Mexico; Benjamin Munson, U. Minnesota; Victoria Murphy, U. Oxford; Daniela O’Neill, U. Waterloo; Elinor Saiegh-Haddad, Bar-Ilan U.; Jeannette Schaeffer, U. Amsterdam; Joan Sereno, U. Kansas; Twila Tardif, U. Michigan; Enlli Thomas, Bangor U.; Laurie Tuller, U. François Rabelais de Tours; Natasha Warner, U. Arizona; Johannes Ziegler, U. Provence Aix-Marseille

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Prof. Laurie Tuller

Universite de Tours - Professor of Linguistics

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