01/11/2007 Linguistics Psychology
DOI: 10.1017/S1366728907003045 SemanticScholar ID: 144121938 MAG: 2005223847

Cross-linguistic influence in the interpretation of anaphoric and cataphoric pronouns in English–Italian bilingual children

Publication Summary

This study reports the results of a picture verification task assessing the interpretation of intra-sentential anaphora and cataphora in Italian by a group of English–Italian bilingual eight-year-olds, a group of age-matched Italian monolinguals, and a group of Italian monolingual adults. No significant differences between the groups were observed in the choice of a subject antecedent for null anaphoric pronouns, and only marginally significant differences were reported between the adults and the two groups of children for the interpretation of null cataphoric pronouns. By contrast, overt pronominal subjects were accepted as co-referential with a subject antecedent significantly more often by the bilingual children than by the monolingual children and the adults in the anaphoric condition, and both groups of children accepted a subject as the antecedent of an overt cataphoric pronoun significantly more often than the adults. These results are interpreted in the context of language-universal and language-specific processing strategies in anaphora resolution in bilingual and monolingual acquisition.

CAER Authors

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Prof. Ludovica Serratrice

Reading University - Professor of multilingualism

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