Publication Summary
1. Preface 2. Introduction 3. Chapter 1. Production methods in language acquisition research (by Eisenbeiss, Sonja) 4. Chapter 2. Using comprehension methods in language acquisition research (by Schmitt, Cristina) 5. Chapter 3. Using Magnitude Estimation in developmental linguistic research (by Sorace, Antonella) 6. Chapter 4. Using infant and toddler testing methods in language acquisition research (by Johnson, Elizabeth K.) 7. Chapter 5. Using Event-Related Potentials in language acquisition research (by Rispens, Judith) 8. Chapter 6. Using eyetracking in language acquisition research (by Sedivy, Julie) 9. Chapter 7. Using on-line processing methods in language acquisition research (by Marinis, Theodoros) 10. Chapter 8. Using computational modeling in language acquisition research (by Pearl, Lisa) 11. Chapter 9. Measuring second language proficiency (by Hulstijn, Jan H.) 12. Chapter 10. Comparing L1 children, L2 children and L2 adults (by Unsworth, Sharon) 13. Chapter 11. Comparing typically-developing children and children with specific language impairment (by Paradis, Johanne) 14. Chapter 12. Measuring the linguistic development of deaf learners (by Baker, Anne) 15. Chapter 13. How to design and analyze language acquisition studies (by Quene, Hugo) 16. Contributors 17. Index
CAER Authors

Dr. Sharon Unsworth
Radboud University - Associate Professor in the Department of Language and Communication and the Department of Modern Languages