Publication Summary
We start this time with the second of Paul Silverston’s papers on teaching the GP consultation to medical students. This paper introduces us to a model that helps students to understand the differences between consultations in a hospital setting and in general practice. Next we have a paper from Leeds about a paediatric attachment in general practice. This is for undergraduates, it’s just for one day and it’s logistically challenging to arrange. But the students really appreciate it and it surely helps them relate what they have learnt in hospital to the ‘real world’ outside. We apologise to the authors for the delay in publishing this paper. It was intended for an earlier issue but somehow disappeared down a black hole. Continuing with the theme of undergraduate education, our third paper is a report of some action research. Janet McGee describes how she used the students’ attachment to her practice as a piece of action research, looking at how she and her practice team delivered the teaching. The work is described in a very engaging and individual way. Finally we have a paper describing a half-day release session for GP trainees using ‘expert’ patients. It surely reminds us, if a reminder were needed, that we learn most from our patients – if we are listening to them.
CAER Authors
Dr. Jonathan Darling
University of Leeds - Clinical Associate Professor in Paediatrics and Child Health and Medical Education