Kathryn was born and educated in Bradford and after graduating taught English in Poland before commencing her career supporting vulnerable young people in a variety of roles across Primary, Secondary and FE sectors. Kathryn then moved to a range of local authority management roles across Sheffield, Kirklees and Bradford. These roles included policy development, service delivery, programme management and in the last 10 years has overseen a range of transformation and children’s service improvement. Kathryn led the DfE’s Bradford Opportunity Area Programme from 2017-2022 which focused on improving social mobility through education investment. Most recently Kathryn is leading the legacy work from this and has established the Education Alliance for Life Chances - a partnership including schools, the local authority, police, the NHS, and the voluntary sector. Its mission is to improve outcomes for children by working with and through schools to enable ‘whole system’ evidence based approached to child wellbeing.
Kathryn was appointed Bradford's youngest Magistrate in 2005 and served 12 years on both adult and family panels. She has recently taken up public speaking and came 3rd in the UK for 2022 (6 months after joining her local Association of Speakers Clubs) and is now President of the Halifax and Huddersfield Club.