12/07/2007 Economics Political Science
DOI: 10.1080/13596740701387437 SemanticScholar ID: 143128067 MAG: 1972555787

Do barriers get in the way? A review of the determinants of post‐16 participation

Publication Summary

This paper presents some results from a review of evidence on the barriers to participation in further and higher education in England, organised around the life‐course of an individual from birth to the decision to participate in FE/HE at the traditional age. It is clear that inequalities between socioeconomic groups appear early in life and remain important in attainment at school, in the range of the options available and selected at age 14 and 16, qualifications at age 18 and in the decision to participate in higher education or not. Overcoming the identified barriers to participation may be an important step for some individuals, but the evidence is that the role of these barriers is marginal. Also marginal, therefore, is the role of institutions in widening participation during the transition at ages 16 and 18. Policy levers to widen participation must be applied elsewhere.

CAER Authors

Avatar Image for Stephen Gorard

Prof. Stephen Gorard

University of Durham - Professor in the School of Education

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