30/11/1999 Education Psychology
DOI: 10.1080/09500799908666953 SemanticScholar ID: 145281645 MAG: 2094489187

Planning Ahead in a ‘Market’ for Schools: Predicting Patterns of School Choice

Publication Summary

This paper uses responses from a large-scale survey of school choice in South Wales to predict the type of school that respondents will choose, based upon their personal characteristics and the choice criteria that they report using. The resulting models are extremely accurate, around 90% successful in predicting which of three types of school will be chosen. Although the data used has limitations, the models are published as exemplars of the accuracy that is possible. In addition, the division of what are often the rather nebulous findings from school choice research into specific criteria for the choice of each school-type could give practical preliminary help to those concerned with shaping their schools policy, as well as providing insights into the process of choice for different types of families.

CAER Authors

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Prof. Stephen Gorard

University of Durham - Professor in the School of Education

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