Publication Summary
ejd.2011.1553 Auteur(s) : Philippe Prevost1, Regis Bedry2, Denis Lacoste3, Khaled Ezzedine4, Francoise Haramburu1, Brigitte Milpied4 [email protected] 1 Centre de Pharmacovigilance, CHU St-Andre, 1 rue Jean Burguet, 33075 Bordeaux France 2 UHSI, CHU Pellegrin, France 3 Service de Medecine Interne et de maladies infectieuses 4 Service de Dermatologie, CHU St-Andre, 1 rue Jean Burguet, 33075 Bordeaux France We herein report a case of hypersensitivity syndrome with olanzapine, which [...]
CAER Authors

Prof. Philippe Prévost
University of Tours - Professor of linguistics