01/01/2011 Medicine Psychology
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2010.02310.x SemanticScholar ID: 7380834 MAG: 2137035452

Practitioner Review: Reading disorders: what are the effective interventions and how should they be implemented and evaluated?

Publication Summary

Background: Two developmental reading disorders, dyslexia and reading comprehension impairment, are identified by different behavioural characteristics and traced back to different underlying cognitive impairments. Thus, reading interventions designed to address each of these reading disorders differ in content. Method: This review summarises the nature of dyslexia and reading comprehension impairment, and current understanding of best practice in associated reading interventions. Conclusion: There is strong evidence for the effectiveness of phonological-based reading interventions in supporting children with dyslexic difficulties, and a growing understanding of how to meet the needs of children with readingcomprehensionimpairment,withvocabularyinstructionofferingapromisingapproach.Although the content of interventions must be tailored to an individual’s reader profile, general principles regarding the implementation and evaluation of intervention programmes can be extracted. Keywords: Dyslexia, education, evaluation, comprehension, intervention, reading, reading disorder.

CAER Authors

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Dr. Paula Clarke

University of Leeds - Associate Professor in Psychological Approaches to Childhood and Inclusive Education

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