January to July 2024
· All staff members will be offered training around neurodiversity, neurodevelopmental conditions (known as ‘disorders’ in medicine) and how to make your school more neurodiverse friendly.
· Teachers will be provided with guidance on how to structure conversations with parents around identifying and supporting their child’s needs.
· You will be given access to a tool that empowers teachers and SENCOs to recognise and meet children’s needs sooner and more effectively.
· Bradford Council’s team of Educational Psychologists will support your school in developing Learning and Support Plans for children identified via the EDST as those who might benefit from additional support.
· A two-hour, in-person training session with school SENCOs
· A one-hour, online training session with all staff
· Year 1 teachers and SENCOs working together to complete the EDST for all pupils in their class (taking approximately 2 hours for the whole class).
· Inviting parents in to discuss the school knowledge of the child (thinking about their strengths and difficulties both at home and in school)
· A one-hour focus group with teachers during the summer term
· A one-hour focus group with SENCOs during the summer term
50 schools across Bradford
Email [email protected] with the subject line “EDST”