Nov 29, 2023 News

Child Health Outcomes Research at Leeds (CHORAL) to launch in February 2024

Avatar Image for Nat Merrick

Nat Merrick

Centre for Applied Education Research - Research & Implementation Fellow

Child Health Outcomes Research at Leeds (CHORAL) is a £5 million investment from Leeds Hospitals Charity and University of Leeds to develop a virtual institute for children’s research across Leeds. CHORAL aims to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people with physical and mental health conditions and experiences by using a whole system connected approach for better child health outcomes. Through working with children and young people, and future leaders in child healthcare research, CHORAL aims to provide infrastructure to coordinate world leading health research. Whilst there is world-leading children’s research across Leeds, CHORAL intend to co-ordinate this fragmented research to optimise findings. Additionally, CHORAL aim to facilitate equitable access to health and social care, without which children and young people cannot gain improved child health outcomes. Existing links between CHORAL and partners to local and central government will allow for the key learning to be shared on a national and international stage.

On February 8th 2024, CHORAL will hold a launch event to celebrate the beginning of this exciting research partnership at Cloth Hall Court. Here, the aims and upcoming actions of CHORAL will be highlighted by the hosts Dr Camilla Kingdon & Anne Longfield CBE. Attendees, including national policy makers and leaders in child health, will be invited to the event and a plenary by Prof. Waljit Dhillo (Dean of the NIHR Academy).

Five workshops will also take place at the event, with topics including: Improving Childhood Wellbeing; Children’s Cancer Translational Research; Innovative Data Linkages; Academic Capacity Development; and Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement. There will be additional workshops leading up to the launch, including formation of research and development themes.

Three multi-disciplinary research groups will be launched. First, Children’s Cancer Translational Research lead by Prof. Richard Bayliss, Prof. Sue Burchill, and Dr Martin Elliott; which will study evidence-based improvements for children and young people living with and beyond cancer. Second is Transforming Outcomes Through the Use of Data Linkage, led by Prof. Richard Feltbower & Prof. Adam Glaser. The final group is Improving Childhood Wellbeing, led by Prof. Mark Mon-Williams & Dr Simon Pini.

If you wish to learn more about CHORAL and their upcoming launch, you can visit their website, or follow CHORAL on X.

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