A country that works for all children and young people: An evidence-based plan for addressing childhood vulnerability, crime and justice

Read the report that CAER researchers collaborated on which sets out an evidence-based plan to protect and support the thousands of vulnerable children in England at risk of involvement with the criminal justice system.

Read more

COTN/CfYL Report Webinar: An evidence-based approach to supporting children in the preschool years

Listen to our fabulous speakers address the 'Children of the North' (COTN) and Centre for Young Lives' (CfYL) 9th report

Watch now

Child Health Outcomes Research at Leeds (CHORAL) has now launched!

An inspiring launch towards a whole system connected approach for better child health outcomes.

Visit their site through our Partners page

Education Alliance for Life Chances (EALC)

CAER is working with the Education Alliance for Life Chances (EALC), a multi-service partnership, to bring evidence and research into education settings.

Visit their site through our Partners page

The Centre for Applied Education Research (CAER) is committed to improving educational outcomes for children and young people (CYP) through the power of science.

More about us

Our Vision : CAER seeks to empower educational settings (schools, nurseries, early year providers) to use evidence-based approaches to identify and remove all barriers to learning.

Our Mission : CAER seeks to realise its vision through the creation of a ‘community of practice’ throughout the UK.


Themes of work from evidence-based practices


Research projects across our themes of work


Members across multiple organisations


Publications authored by our researchers


Organisations we are in partnership with


Projects that are currently recruiting

Our Methodology

All CAER research follows an 'education translation pipeline' to ensure that promising scientific research is translated rapidly but safely into policy, identifying important contextual factors for effective implementation, and allowing the best possible evidence to underpin decision making.

Fundamental Research

Core Science

Fundamental Research

Discovery and Design


Trials and Assessment


Large Randomised Controlled Trial


Regional Rollout


Evidence-based Policy

Evidence-based Practice

Our eight themes of work were developed on the basis of the evidence and insights provided by teachers and schools to the Royal Society and British Academy in a series of focus group sessions published in 2017.

Our themes and place-based working ensures that we have evidence at the heart of our whole system approach to tackling structural inequalities and supporting children and young people from 0-25 years of age in partnership with communities and educational organisations.

Our Impact


School interactions


Pupil interactions


School leader interactions


Educational staff interactions


Parent interactions

Latest Blogs & Events

Support for Schools

Living Well Schools Logo

Living Well Schools

Find out about the Living Well Schools offer on transforming the health and wellbeing of pupils.

Evidence Active Schools Logo

Evidence Active Schools

Find out more about our work on upskilling school staff to engage with research and evidence.

CAER Webinars Logo


Find out about the Living Well Schools offer on transforming the health and wellbeing of pupils

Healthy Minds Logo

Healthy Minds

Find out about our School Staff Welfare Scheme.

Latest Publications